About me

Hey there! I'm Alex. I'm 33 years old, and really enjoy technology.
I've been using computers since I was 3 years old, and have had my own since I was 6. This has of course meant a lot of shenanigans were had with computers and technology in general.
I try my best to stay updated on the latest web technologies, as well as whatever's shaking in the hardware world.
My passions
Passion is a broad term, but I'd say at the very least I'm passionate about tech in general, but there are certain things I'd say that I enjoy a lot more than your everyday tech-enthusiast
One of the best frameworks I've ever used. It's got a ton of features that help make a developers life just that much easier and smoother.
Node JS
While I've only dabbled in this for a short while, it's clear to me that there's great potential. I'm even using it for a few features on this site.
Tailwind CSS
Amazingly fast CSS framework, allowing for super easy defining of classes that make up your website. I'm having a lot of fun with this, for sure.
When used right, Javascript can do absolutely amazing things, and even when used sparingly, it can have a great effect. Smoothly transitioning from some elements shown to others at the click of a button, for example.
A fantastic Vue-like JS framework that I'm happy has been built into newer versions of Laravel Jetstream, because it enables a ton of great tweaks without having to go too heavily into custom scripting.
My skills
I'd say that my skills involve a large variety of webtechnologies, as well as a high level of general knowledge about computers, their hardware, and various operating systems.
Going from plain PHP and Wordpress to Laravel was a huge change for me, but man did it ever pay off. Laravel is one of the smoothest things I've ever used, and it's so easy to build things. This portfolio is in Laravel, for example.
I've dealt with Wordpress for many years at this point, to the point where I've been part of building a simplified variant of it for clients.
Tailwind has been a blast to use from day one. Sure it's a bunch of utility classes, but it makes it easy for me to see how each element is supposed to behave versus something opinionated, like Bootstrap.
My education and work history
This is by no means an exhaustive list of everything I've ever done, but I'm sure it'll give a good idea of what I've done in the past.
Sysadmin and Lead Developer at Amplifice
From 2016-12-19 - To Present
Internship at Jobpiloterne
From 2016-08-01 - To 2016-12-01
Internship at Sengetid.dk
From 2016-05-01 - To 2016-06-01
Webadmin and Tech Support at Restaurant Espehus
From 2012-01-01 - To 2020-12-01
IT-Supporter Grundforløb at TEC Ballerup
From 2011-08-01 - To 2012-06-01
Partial Datamatiker at Roskilde Business College
From 2011-02-01 - To 2011-06-01
Webintegrator at Roskilde Technical Academy
From 2009-01-01 - To 2010-12-01